Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why corsets are so expensive

Instead of sewing the corset that needs to be ready tomorrow, I thought I´ll answer one frequently asked question.

First you draw the pattern. Well actually you first draw the basic pattern and then modify it to fit as a corset. Can take anything from 15min to couple of hours.
Then you cut it, and have zillion small pieces of paper which never stay in any order.
Then you need lining, 1m. Interfacing, 2m. Main fabric, depending on the shape and size, lets say 1m. Preferably you should use interfacing with that too, so another 1-2m.
Spiral wire, bone ends, metal bones for centerfront and on the both sides of eyelets. If you want the corset to open from the front, you need split busk which can cost over 20€.
Different types of ribbon: something to sew the edges with (a lot!), ribbon for lacing (several metres, this one has about 5m), tubular bone casing to keep the bones (and the corset and your skin!) safe (8 metres or depending how many boning channels you want), thick ribbon for waistband.
Sewing thread: two small basic sewing thread and one for handstitching (trust me, its forth it).
Eyelets, quite a lot of them too. And definately you need a proper tool to attach the eylets, with hammer you only loose your nerves and possibly a few fingers as well. Aiglets on the right are ment for lacing endings, not necessary but looks sooo good.
So, then you cut the pattern. Iron on the interfacing to the lining, cut the lining. Sew it. Iron it. Try it on. Sew on the waistband and bone casings. Iron. Cut the bones to desired lenght (sucks btw), put on the ends and put the bones on right places. Cut the main fabric, sew it, iron it, put it on top of the lining, right sides facing. Sew centerback on both sides. Iron. Turn wrong sides facing. Iron. Pin the sides together, make sure seams match. Sew ribbon to right side of top and bottom edges. Turn it to the wrong side and attach by hand (takes an hour or so). Make holes for eyelets and put them on. Attach lacing. Sew on aiglets. Put the corset on and hit the road :).

This is the lining from the inside, still missing several boning channels.

That´s why they´re so expensive.


Anonymous said...

offtopiccina, mutta on kyllä ihana lukea sun englantia, kirjottaisin itse aikalailla samalla tavalla :D just sellasta rentoa ja hauskoja juttuja tekstin seassa. nyt vaan joutuu tappamaan kaiken luovuuden ja harjottelemaan "virallista" englantia kun yo-kirj on tulossa...

Susanna said...

hih, kiits :) netissä on kiva kirjoitella enkuks, jotenkin blogeja lukiessa sitä on oivaltanut ettei sen tekstin tarvi olla niin justiinsa :).

Mut mä oon huomannu että mun päästä on kadonnu sanoja. Jouduin miettimään iät ajat monia sanoja taas kun ei vaan tullu mieleen. No siinäkin mielessä hyvä kirjoittaa enkuks, ei pääse ihan unohtumaan vanhat taidot :)

Kati E said...

Joo, tahtoo tollaisen. :)))))) Tai sellasen (mikskä sitä sanotaan?) pikkukorsetin, ettei tuu tissien päälle vaan vaan vyötärölle ja mahan päälle.

Olen tosi selkeä näin väsyneenä. :D

Anonymous said...

Ihan mielenkiinnosta, mitä tommonen mittatilauksena tehty oikea korsetti maksaa?

Susanna said...

Nimetön, se riippuu hirveästi materiaaleista, ja mallista. Esimerkiksi toi Leather Flower mikä ylemmässä postissa on, sen materiaalit maksoi 84e. Kokonaishinnaksi tuli 250+materiaali eli 334e. Mä teen näitä edullisella hinnalla koska korseteissa on niin paljon teknisiä juttuja mitä ei opi kuin tekemällä, ja tahdon tehdä :) Korsettiliikkeessä tällaisen teettäminen maksaisi yli 400e + materiaalit.